: "When i die,I wanna be buried face-down so that anyone who doesn't like me can come to my grave and kiss my ass"

Shashank(aka Boxer) :"I get enough exercise pushing my luck"

vivek.vpk: The Two Rules of Success: 1. Don't tell everything you know .....

Chandan Singh: always @(weekend) assign Chandy =1'b1;
[if u didn't get this try coding in verilog .. :D ]

Yogesh:"Only 4.2 million seconds to go" -- for ps to end...

Aditya:Working at GM,GM all ..
[The first GM==General Motors ..and the second ...well ahem ..for noobs ==G*** Mara :P]

akhs247: Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.

Nikhilesh -: my lcd said hello!

Gaurav:Reality is only an illusion that occurs due to lack of alcohol...
[cant agree more mate :P]

Aditya Vnv:wat the frock ? :P

Piyushsharma: Money will not buy happiness, but it will let you be unhappy in nice places.

Ankit Chaudhary : My head speaks a language, I don't understand.

Angad Singh Gill: "Even if I toss a coin the chance of me getting Head is Zero"-Angad Singh Gill

Aswin.n: Everything happens for a reason
[Yeah ...including status messages .. :P ]

Roshan Sumbaly: The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do..

Siddharth: An optimist Bloke now says, ' Every dark cloud has silver lining."